10 Most Strange Creatures On Earth

1. Glaucus Atlanticus

This tiny animal spends its life floating up side down on the surface of Pacific and Alantic ocean. This little creature may look innocent but humans handling it may receive a very painful dangerous sting.  

2.Red Lipped Batfish

This strange fish has a considerable measure of adjustments that make it look and act extremely un-fish-like. To start with, its pectoral, pelvic, and butt-centric blades are adjusted in a manner that it can lay on the ocean bottom on them. Now and again, it can proceed onward its pectoral and pelvic blades as though it was walking!

3. Dumbo Octopus

These remote ocean inhabitants highlight noticeable ear like fins, which comes over their parallel eyes, giving them an elephant like appearance. You'll most likely never run over one in the substance as they spend their whole lives around 10,000 feet beneath ocean level.

4. Gobi Jerboa

This little jumping rodent is native to China and Mongolia. They can jump several feets both vertically and horizontally. And yes they don't drink water!

5. Leather Back Turtle

Leather Sea Turtle has a unique shell which is composed of tough rubbery skin which gives it a leathery look. But it has thousands of  bone plates beneath it. They are the largest turtles on Earth, growing upto 7 feet and can weigh more than 2000 pounds!

6. Irrawaddy Dolphin

The Irrawaddy dolphin is a type oceanic dolphin found close ocean coasts and in estuaries and streams in parts of the Bay of Bengal and Southeast Asia. Hereditarily, the Irrawaddy dolphin is firmly identified with the executioner whale.

7. Royal Flycatcher

They are around 6 inches and like to dash out from branches to catch flies. They construct vast homes (up to 6 feet long) on a branches close water. Their home hangs over the water which makes it hard for predators to reach.

8. Pink Fairy Armadillo

Don't they look like rabbit with a shield?
This Strange animal resides in the dry grasslands and sandy plains of central Argentina. They are excellent diggers and can bury themselves in a matter of seconds.

9. Yeti Crab

This Furry crab was origanally discovered in the Pacific ocean near the Antartic Ridge. The spend their entire life on the ocean floor. They don't have eyes!

10. Tufted Deer

Found in focal China and northern Mynamar, the tufted deer highlights a particular tuft of dark hair on its forehead (as the name suggests!). Male tufted deer likewise have tooth like canines, which comes from their mouths, giving them an extremely unmistakable appearance like a vampire.

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